
April 19, 2023

My 5 favourite dark hot chocolate cafés in Bristol and Bath

I don’t drink coffee and I don’t like the sweetness of the ‘ordinary’ hot chocolate. One day, I discovered dark hot chocolate and fell in love with it. Below you’ll find my favourite cafés in Bristol and Bath where you can treat yourself to it:

Ruby Jeans in Bristol

This family-run café is a cosy little place in Shirehampton, Bristol. It’s right in the heart of Shirehampton, a short walk from the train station and a walking path by the river Avon. My favourite treat there is dark hot chocolate and kombucha (why not!).

Two Ways in Bristol

This is my newest discovery—it’s in Clifton, not far from the RWA building. I loved their thick dark hot chocolate, it reminded me of all the cafés I visited in Prague one very cold winter, where I often treated myself to this delicious dessert.

Better Food in Bristol

My favourite deli is on Whiteladies Road, and they actually serve hot cocoa which has a more delicate and velvety taste. It’s usually my little treat when we go to Clifton. I’m so happy they put the seating space back inside and outside!

Society Café in Bristol and Bath

The Society Café was one of the first cafés in Bristol where I discovered dark hot chocolate. I like going to the café to do some reading and writing or just stare outside the window. And of course, to drink my delicious beverage. A very idyllic time!

Café au Lait in Bath

I already mentioned this café when writing about Bath. I haven’t been there for a while, but plan to visit soon. It’s a cute little place opposite the train station and their dark hot chocolate is my favourite.

Do you like dark hot chocolate? Do you have your favourite café in Bristol? Please let me know in the comments below.