
February 21, 2024

Goodbye 2023 and hello 2024

Hello for 2024. It’s my first post of the New Year. I hope it’s been a good year for you so far.

Before writing this post, I went through my last year’s reflections and plans. It’s interesting to see what was important to me then.

So first let’s see what 2023 was like. It was a bit more of a challenging year for me. I think it required more of my energy to navigate our home, home-education, children-raising and my business. But, we did it. It was also a year of beautiful trips, theatre, family and friends’ visits, amazing nature walks, family bike trips and wild swims. I also started being less online on social media and noticed how liberating it was. Even though I wasn’t a frequent social media user, it still played a role in my daily life. Now, I try to visit once or twice a week and try to make the time I spend more focused and short. Why was this important for me? Because this gave me some mental freedom and instead my curiosity and appetite for other interests grew. I started cooking and reading more. I’m happy I chose this path, even though I still see a part of social media as being educational and inspirational, but with my limited presence there, it’s enough for me.

So what are my plans for 2024? I definitely want to continue being less on social media. I plan to write on my blog regularly: books, home-education, sustainable travels and bilingualism. I’d also like to have monthly dates with myself, my husband and all my children (individually!). It’s important to me to have this one-to-one time: to enjoy those special moments in each other’s company. I want to continue reading and listening to podcasts in three languages and during this year I’d like to add a 4th language. Finally, I want to find joy and comfort in my simple daily life.

These are my reflections on 2023 and visions for 2024. Have you made plans / visions / dreams for the New Year? Please let me know in the comments below.