If not now, when? [p. 73]
If you remember my book review of Zen: The Art of Simple Living, I mentioned in it that this book was my bedtime story. The same actually happened with another publication by Masuno. Don’t Worry was also my bedtime read, as it made me calm and positive before falling asleep.

The book is divided into 5 parts with 48 short chapters and is beautifully illustrated. Each chapter can be treated as a little prompter to meditate and reflect on some important life matters, e.g. about being gracious, cherishing the morning, going with the flow, making good connections and being a good listener, as well as more practical / fundamental topics like money, aging, illness and death.
Here are some of my favourite words of wisdom:
“It’s okay to feel down, but get yourself up again soon” [p. 55]
“Words possess awesome power” [p. 97]
“Your turn will surely come around” [p. 100]
“You be you, and let others be themselves” [p. 114]
“The more you’re able to forgive, the happier you’ll be” [p. 180]
I’m taking this opportunity to wish you a wonderful and calm Christmas and a most prosperous New Year of 2024! Thank you for reading my blog and let’s meet back in January!