I last wrote here in July and it feels exciting to be back with a travel story after a while. We first visited Exmoor 10 years ago in early autumn, then we returned to this region five years ago and that was in winter. This year, we went back in the autumn. The weather was nice: some sunshine, mostly cloudy (but it didn’t rain!).

Slowing down
We didn’t plan much for our stay in Exmoor. I think it can be difficult to slow down when travelling or on holiday, and I try to do my best to actually relax. To be able to enjoy my morning (barley!) coffee without any rush, chatting about everything with my family or reading for pleasure. Exmoor is surrounded by beautiful nature, hills, sea and ancient forests, so even having a walk is a treat in itself.

Walking in Exmoor is a different level of experiencing nature. When we went in the autumn, we felt the smells of the mushrooms and damp soil, the colours were beautiful and falling leaves made the walking experience more magical.

We enjoyed starting our time in Exmoor by climbing the North Hill which begins in Minehead. We didn’t manage to reach the peak this year, but walking was fulfilling our need to just be in nature. While in Exmoor, we also went to visit the tiny museum in Minehead; it’s opposite the steam train station (oh yes, you can go on a stream train ride from Minehead!). I enjoyed reading about Punch and Judy, who were local marionettes giving shows in Minehead – it’s a shame that this puppetry tradition belongs to the past now. We also visited our favourite place, The Toucan Café, which serves delicious dark hot chocolate (of course, it needs to be dark!).

What are your memories from visiting Exmoor? Please let me know in the comments below.