November 15, 2017

Travelling Corner: Polish Mountains in Autumn

I think I last visited Poland in autumn around 4 years ago and the Polish mountains even longer ago, so it was a real treat to go there in October this year. It was beautiful, colourful and foggy with pretty autumnal vibes.

Beskidy (Polish mountain range)

I went hiking in the Polish mountain range of Beskidy in the South of Poland, not far from Katowice and the border with the Czech Republic. I would say these mountains are medium in height, so the stamina level needed to walk there is quite average. I went to the small town of Wisła and chose two routes: one to admire views (Trzy Kopce Wiślańskie, 810 m n.p.m.) and another to reach a beautiful mountain chalet at Schronisko Soszów (Soszów Wielki, 886 m n.p.m.). The overall route to each destination took me around 5 hours there and back, but the whole experience was amazing: from white morning fog and autumnal colours to the beautiful interiors of the chalet.

Walking route signs

If you’re planning to visit any Polish mountains, it might be worth knowing about the walking route signs which come in 5 different colours. The route signs in Poland do not necessarily equal the level of difficulty and are usually marked in the form of a rectangle with three lines: white, another colour (black, red, blue, green or yellow) and white again. The colours describe the length, whether there are scenic views, if the route links with another route or if it has a specific destination.

Do you enjoy hiking? Have you visited any Polish mountains? Please let me know in the comments below.

Written by Kinga Macalla

November 8, 2017

Language learning–pleasant and fun? Yes, absolutely, if you know what type of learner you are!

Everyone can learn a new skill, and everyone can learn a new language – but did you know that different people learn in different ways?  Not all people’s learning techniques are the same.  The type of learner you are depends on how your brain is wired.  The categories of learner are: visual learner, auditory learner, kinaesthetic learner.  A visual learner learns best if they see something written down or represented visually; an auditory learner retains information best if they hear it and a kinaesthetic learner (from ‘kinaesthesia’: the awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs in the muscles and joints) is a hands-on learner or someone who learns through manual tasks or movement.  You might already know what kind of learner you are or you might recognise yourself in one (or more) of the learner profiles as we explore how to harness them in order to learn languages below.

Visual Learners

If you are a visual learner, you will remember things best if you have seen them represented visually.  There are a number of ways you could make use of this concept in order to learn a language.  If you are listening to a text you could write out the words or read the transcription so you see the words as they are read out.  You could draw a spider diagram of related words, e.g. with ‘dairy’ in the middle and ‘cheese’, ‘eggs’, ‘milk’ stemming off from the middle.  You could draw a table and put different categories of words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) in the different columns.  You could write out words in different colours so the image of them sticks in your mind.  You could use flash cards to learn and remember vocabulary – writing them out yourself or buying a set in a bookshop – or finding them or creating them online.  You could even draw pictures to represent words – concrete ones like a picture of a lemon to help you remember ‘lemon’ or an abstract picture such as those artists use to represent untranslatable words (you can also use them for words that have literal translations!).  You could also do this in the opposite way – creating images out of words that relate to their meanings, such as these.

Auditory Learners

If you are an auditory learner, you need to hear something in order to learn it.  You will learn a language best if you listen to it or speak it regularly.  You could listen to songs in your chosen language or listen to the radio or audio books.  Make a playlist of your favourite songs in your chosen language.  You could practise pronouncing words or read books aloud to make sure you hear the words as you read them.  You could join a conversation club, look for a language partner in your town or online or join a choir that sings songs in your chosen language.  You could watch films in order to practise your listening skills.  If you need to learn vocabulary, record yourself reading out the words and listen to the recording several times a week.  If you need to learn the spellings of words, sound out each letter and then read out the word as a whole.  If you have exercises to complete in a book, read them out as you fill them in.

Kinaesthetic Learners

If you are a kinaesthetic learner, you will learn things best if you use your hands to help you learn them or if you undertake a learning task whilst moving around.  A useful way of learning verb endings for a kinaesthetic learner could be to write them on building blocks and then work at piecing the words together to make different tenses of the same verb.  You could get a set of words or phonemes to stick on your fridge and have fun writing sentences or whole stories with them.  If you want to move your whole body and not just your hands, you could listen to an audio book in your chosen language whilst you are going for a run or working out at the gym.  Or you could join a drama group in your chosen language – speaking the words whilst acting a part will help you combine the words with their associated actions.


Of course, some people have more than one learning style or learn best when two or even three of these styles are combined.  If you think this might be you, don’t hesitate to give it a go.

Why not find out, and share what kind of learner you are – and your experiences of language learning – in the comments?

Written by Suzannah Young

November 1, 2017

BLS 5-year anniversary party: what an evening! (photo blog)

BLS 5-year anniversary party was a fantastic event. I’m still re-living the whole evening: the concert, the home-made chocolate cake and our wonderful attendees. Next year, we’ll be 6 years old. That’s a good reason to celebrate again, right? 😉 If you missed our party, see our photos below and a video here.
Speak soon,
October 25, 2017

Like a Fairy Tale: Literary Translation – what’s it all about?

In this blog post we continue our investigation into different types of translation.  We take a look at what is meant by literary translation, what kinds of methods it uses, why you might like to consider a career in literary translation – and how to get started in it if you would like to. We think you will agree, literary translation is quite different from machine translation, which we looked at in a previous post!

What is literary translation?

Literary translation is a type of specialist translation that consists in translating novels, poetry, and other works of literature into another language, keeping the literary style.  “Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes,” said Günter Grass.  However, no two translations of the same literary text are likely to be the same.  This is because translating literature is an interpretative act and literary translators are individuals.  As literature is a creative art, translating it should be too!  As an author’s identity can come out in their writing, so can a literary translator’s identity come out in their creative translation.

A literary translation should keep the feel and style of the work of literature.  It might change the original in terms of literal meaning, because this is sometimes needed to make something understandable to a reader from a different culture.  This might mean using a different metaphor or a different comparison.  When this happens, something may be lost but something else may be gained.  But loss is not necessarily the most important thing, says Daniel Hahn, director of the British Centre for Literary Translation in this interview about literary translation.    According to Hahn, the keys to translation are very close, careful and thoughtful reading and precise, careful and thoughtful writing.  It is likely that the author has chosen a specific word for a specific reason, and thoughtful reading can help the literary translator work out why the writer chose that word, and what is the best word (or what are the best words) to put in its place.  According to Urdu language translator Fahmida Riaz, literary translators have to find a way to convey something that is obvious to original readers because of the culture they are familiar with to those who are unfamiliar with that culture and unlikely to recognise cultural references.  Literary translators usually translate into their native language, which is an advantage from a the perspective the cultural, historical and geographical references in the text.


Why is literary translation important?

The book trade is becoming increasingly global, and as such the role of the literary translator has never been more important to make sure that the book industry keeps up with the rate at which new, high quality titles are published in other languages.  Literary translation helps authors achieve global recognition and allows audiences to experience a richer variety of literature – and experience that echoes the global connectedness of today’s world.

Why become a literary translator?

Literary translation is an enjoyable exercise and allows literature lovers to get close to the literature they love.  It is a flexible job that you can do anytime, anywhere and freelance translation can be combined with other jobs (which may also be necessary).  It is also a career that you can begin at any time in your life.

How can I learn to be a literary translator?

It is not essential to have studied literary translation to be a literary translator, and translators’ abilities are usually judged by a sample text.  That said, many literary translators do take courses to improve their abilities as translators and to learn more about the world of literary translation.  A common course of study is an MA in Literary Translation.  This type of course gives you practical experience of literary translation.  According to this author, having an MA in Literary Translation can also help translators get a job, including with firms specialising in technical or commercial translation.  It is also a mark of approval that helps freelance translators get recognised.  You can find a list of some MA Translation courses in this blog post.  You might want to look into the PETRA-E Network, a European network of institutions dedicated to the education and training of literary translators.  If you are unable to do a whole MA course or you wish to brush up your skills on a specific aspect of literary translation; the British Centre for Literary Translation runs a summer school.  They also have a Mentorship Scheme that can help new literary translators develop their skills.  Mentoring can also be informal and you could ask an established literary translator for help.  You can also do co-translations with more experienced translators to gain insight into how the translation business works and how to communicate with editors, authors, and other people involved in the publishing process.

How do I find work as a literary translator?

This blog author believes that it is relatively easy to become known in the literary translation world as there are many platforms to join and meet others in the profession.  These include the Emerging Translators Network, Literature Across Frontiers, the Literary Translation Centre at the London Book Fair and the Translators Association. You can also make contacts by taking part in debates and attending translation events.  Prepare a sample of your work and submit it to publishers.  You can make a name for yourself by entering literary translation competitions, and develop an online presence to advertise your skills.  You will need to keep up with what is being published and keep searching for contacts. What appears to be less easy is making vast amounts of money straight away from literary translation!

Is now a good time to be a literary translator?

According to the London Book Fair, a barrier preventing the flow of titles from one country to another is that not many titles are translated into English.  However, good existing translators and up-and-coming talent are working towards making a change in literary translation, and literature in translation is becoming ever more popular and mainstream in the UK.  Also, Daniel Hahn assures us that it is a really good time to be a literary translator into English, especially in the UK.  There is more literature in translation in English than there used to be, even if it is still not as prevalent as it is in other languages.   Hahn also feels that there is excitement around literary translation and a dynamism to the profession and to literature as a whole in the UK today. There is new and fresh talent in literary translation which is being recognised.

Where can I learn more?

If you are interested in knowing more about literary translation, there are several places you can find information on it.  The British Centre for Literary Translation has a lot of information about literary translation and a lot of very useful links. This interview gives a good summary of what can be expected from literary translation and what linguists wanting to get into literary translation can expect. This blog post gives you an idea of what it feels like to start out as a literary translator, and how to go about it if it is something you want to do.  This one gives the view of a seasoned literary translator who still enjoys what she does. Finally, this post gives an overview of the whole process of translating a book.

If you decide that literary translation is the career for you, we wish you good luck and lots of reading pleasure!

Written by Suzannah Young

October 18, 2017

Travelling Corner: Breathtaking Views in a Croatian National Park (photo blog)

I visited The Krka National Park during my travels to Croatia this autumn. I was planning to go to Pltvice National Park too, but on the day I had planned to go there were a series of storms, so I’ve postponed it until next time I’m in Croatia. The Krka National Park was created by the most beautiful waterfalls (you can even swim in one of them!). You can walk or take a boat to the main waterfall and then walk to the upper areas of the park. You can then take another boat or walk even higher. It’s worth having a day or even two days to explore the park and embrace its natural beauty. Below you’ll find my photos from the Krka National Park (I have to admit the nature is much prettier in reality!). Enjoy!

Have you visited the Krka National Park? What were you impressions? Please share your experience in the comments below.

Written by Kinga Macalla

October 11, 2017

Travelling Corner: Croatia through my Eyes: 7 Curiosities you won’t find in a Travel Guide!

What makes Croatia special? I gathered my memories, impressions, fascinations and surprises throughout my stay there last autumn. Below are my 7 favourite curiosities about Croatia (all very subjective!):

1 No iPhones everywhere

Yes, Croatians actually talk to each other! Even when they commute, travel or queue. People (all of them!) sit in a café and enjoy their time talking and drinking coffee. What a beautiful sight.

2 Figs

I couldn’t not write about figs. OMG, they’re delicious and cheap and fresh and green. My favourite!

3 Driving

Driving can be wild in Croatia, let’s face it. Speed limits often change, but this doesn’t mean anything to Croatians who still drive very fast. There are tolls on the motorways, but on the other hand, you can find free-of-charge parking in some city centres such as in Zadar.

4 Kindness

Croatians don’t look the kindest, but they truly are. They’ll give you goods for free, praise your child or apologise. Imagine: we’re on a beach in Split, we’ve just arrived in this beautiful city and we’re relaxing on the sand when all of the sudden somebody starts screaming and shouting at us that we’re blocking a pedestrian’s path (he’s actually gesticulating and saying this in Croatian). We’re completely shocked. We then realise that we are indeed sitting on this path, so we move our towels further away. After half an hour, this man is back and he starts APOLOGISING in beautiful English that he’s sorry; he was nervous and overreacted, as he shouldn’t have behaved like that. WOW! Can you imagine that? Strange, but beautiful at the same time.

5 International & local

Croatia is a very touristy place. People travel there from many different countries: Germany, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, France Belgium, the Netherlands and many more. If you want to practise European languages, it’s definitely the place to go and improve your linguistic skills. Even though there are so many travellers, Croatia still remains local and friendly. This simultaneous feeling of global and local might be the Balkan/Central European influence as well.

6 Non-commercial country

Croatia seems to be “resisting the new” (as Cody Brown wrote in his book on Croatia).* The country is westernised and there is a clear influence of Italian culture, yet it has its own kind, generous and real identity (in various forms: from human to nature).

7 Nature

Oh wow, the nature is amazing! From beautiful islands and coast to breath-taking natural parks and animals (rabbits, wild ducks, flamingoes, herons, tortoises, pheasants, beetles and many more). It looks, smells and feels just wonderful.

These are my curiosities from Croatia. It’s a very beautiful place which I intend to explore even more. Have you been to Croatia? What surprised or amazed you there? Please share your observations in the comments below.

*Cody McClain Brown, Chasing a Croatian Girl. A Survivor’s Tale, Milton Keyenes, 2015.

Written by Kinga Macalla

October 4, 2017

On Languages: Japanese

Japanese (日本語 [nihõŋɡo]) is the ninth most widely spoken language in the world.  It is the official language of Japan, which has a population of over 125 million people.  There are also around 2.5 million people of Japanese origin, many of whom speak Japanese as their first language, living in the Americas, particularly Brazil and the United States (Hawaii).  There is also an expatriate presence in major cities such as London, New York and Paris.  Japan is one of the world’s leading industrial powers and Japanese language services have become extremely important in social and business settings.

Much about the roots of the Japanese language is unclear.  There are debates about which other languages Japanese is related to and it only seems certain that it is a member of the Japonic language family, which includes the Japanese language spoken on the main islands of Japan and the Ryukyuan languages spoken in the Ryukyu Islands.  Little is known of the language’s prehistory, or when it first appeared in Japan. Chinese documents from the 3rd century recorded a few Japanese words, but longer texts did not appear until the 8th century.  Old Japanese vocabulary was influenced by Chinese.  Late Middle Japanese (1185–1600) saw changes brought it closer to the modern language, as well as the first appearance of European loanwords.  Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish words, such as “pan” (bread) and “igirisu” (the UK), from the Portuguese “po” and “ingles” arrived during the 16th and 17th centuries, when missionaries and merchants started to visit the country.  Following the end in 1853 of Japan’s self-imposed isolation, the flow of loanwords from European languages increased, especially English loanwords. These include “teburu” (table), “biru” (beer), “gurasu” (glass), “aisu” (ice), “takushi” (taxi) and “hoteru” (hotel).

How Japanese works

Word order in Japanese is normally subject–object–verb.  Sentence structure starts with the topic and then gives a comment about the topic.  It uses particles (small words) to mark the grammatical function of words, such as ‘wa’ (topic marker), ‘ga’ (new information).  This means they function like cases in other languages.  For example, これは本です。(‘kore wa hon desu’) = ‘This is a book’.  A longer example is 私はブリストル に 住んでいます (‘Watashi wa Bristol (Burisutoru) ni sundeimasu’).  A literal translation into English would be ‘I (topic) Bristol (in) reside’).  Thus Japanese, like many other Asian languages, is often called a topic-prominent language, which means it has a strong tendency to indicate the topic separately from the subject, and that the two do not always coincide. The sentence Zō wa hana ga nagai (象は鼻が長い) literally means, “As for elephant(s), (the) nose(s) (is/are) long”. The topic is zō “elephant”, and the subject is hana “nose”.

Particles are used at the end of sentences to add impact (‘ne’), or make questions (‘ka’) as well.  Questions can have the same structure as statements, but with intonation rising at the end.  In the formal register, the question particle -ka is added. For example, ii desu (いいです) “It is OK” becomes ii desu-ka (いいですか。) “Is it OK?”.

Nouns do not change with number or gender, and there are no articles (‘the’ or ‘a/an’).  Verbs do change with the tense, of which there are two: past and present (or non-past), which is used for the present and the future.  For verbs that represent an ongoing process, the -te iru form indicates a continuous (or progressive) aspect, similar to the suffix ing in English.  Verb conjugations are also used for voice (active or passive), but not the person the verb is are referring to.

Japanese has a grammatical system to express politeness and formality. Broadly speaking, there are three main politeness levels in spoken Japanese: the plain form (“kudaketa”), the simple polite form (“teinei”) and the advanced polite form (“keigo”).  It also has a system of honorific language, where verbs and vocabulary change to indicate the relative status of the speaker, listener and persons mentioned.  Their status is determined by a variety of factors including job and age.  The person in the lower position is expected to use a polite form of speech, whereas the other might use a more plain form.  Japanese people often use titles of the person referred to where pronouns would be used in English. For example, when speaking to one’s teacher, it is appropriate to use sensei (先生, teacher), but inappropriate to use ‘anata’ (‘you’). This is because ‘anata’ is used to refer to people of equal or lower status, and one’s teacher has higher status.  Strangers in Japan will speak to each other politely.  Most nouns in the Japanese language may be made polite by the addition of o- or go- as a prefix. o- is generally used for words of native Japanese origin, whereas go- is affixed to words of Chinese derivation. In some cases, the prefix has become a fixed part of the word, and is included even in regular speech, such as gohan ‘cooked rice; meal.’ Such a construction often indicates deference to either the item’s owner or to the object itself.  Even if you don’t have the language skills, a softening of the voice, a discreet awareness of the other person’s personal space and undemonstrative body language go a long way when it comes to courtesy and showing respect.  Read more about honorific speech here.

Writing Japanese

The Japanese writing system has three different sets of character: Kanji (several thousand Chinese characters) and Hiragana and Katakana (syllabaries with 46 characters each).  The adaptation of Chinese characters during the sixth to ninth centuries A.D. developed the language. By the 12th century, hiragana and katakana were created out of kanji, providing the Japanese new freedom in writing their native language.  Today, Japanese is written with a mixture of the three.  Hiragana are used for words without kanji representation, for words no longer written in kanji, and also following kanji to show conjugational endings.  Katakana, like hiragana, are a syllabary; katakana are primarily used to write foreign words, plant and animal names, and for emphasis. For example, “Australia” has been adapted as Ōsutoraria (オーストラリア), and “supermarket” has been adapted and shortened into sūpā (スーパー).  Japanese texts can be written in horizontal rows left to right, or in traditional Japanese style, i.e. in vertical columns from the right to the left side of the page.

Can I learn Japanese?

Japanese is considered a difficult language to learn for speakers of European languages.  Some difficulties are learning to master the Japanese writing system.  Unless you are already familiar with Chinese characters (kanji), many years of study are necessary to achieve complete literacy.  Japanese students learn about 2000 kanji until the end of junior high school and continue to learn more until the end of their school careers. The two syllabaries Hiragana and Katakana (together about 100 signs), however, can be memorized quickly time.  Another difficulty can be the existence of honorific speech: the fact that a person’s speech can vary depending on the situation and the person. A student of Japanese has to become familiar with Japanese society and customs in order to understand the detailed rules of the different levels of speech.

However, compared to many European languages, basic Japanese grammar is relatively simple. There are not the complicating factors of gender articles and plurals, and conjugation rules for verbs and adjectives are almost entirely free of exceptions.  Nouns are not declined at all, but always appear in the same form.  This makes the language relatively easy for students starting out.

You may also have a head start when learning Japanese because it has a lot of foreign loan words, especially from English.  (外来語 [gairaigo] – ‘words from outside’ are not limited to nouns, they can be adjectives too.  The word for ‘TV’ is テレビ [terebi], サンドイッチ [sandoitchi] is ‘sandwich’, ‘bread’ is パン [pan] from the Portuguese word ‘pão’ and part-time worker is アルバイト [arubaito], from the German ‘Arbeit’, work.  You have probably heard a lot of Japanese words aleady too.  A lot of Japanese words have been absorbed into English.  See how many of these words you recognise (many thanks to An Idiot Lost in Japan for these!):




























Where can I learn Japanese?

You can learn Japanese at Bristol Language School.  We offer group and one-to-one lessons at all levels.

There is also a lot of information about learning Japanese on the Bristol Japan Club website.  There are also teaching and learning resources on the Japan Foundation website.  This kanji dictionary with sound can help you learn to recognise and write Japanese characters.  If you want to listen to Japanese, you can try these Japanese podcast lessons from the Japan Broadcasting Corporation, NHK.  To practice reading, you can go to, one of Japan’s leading newspapers.

You can also find out where to buy books for learning Japanese here.  You can find websites to help you with learning Japanese and other Online Resources here.  Nihongo o Narau – Learn Japanese is a free online Japanese course.  Digital Dialects’ Japanese Games are interactive games for learning the Japanese language.  There are also Mobile Apps for iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets.  If you want to learn for travel, use this guide to Japanese Phrases for Travellers, with a pronunciation guide.  Plus, this Glossary for Learners is a quick reference guide to the essential elements of Japanese.

In the United Kingdom, study of the Japanese language is supported by the British Association for Japanese Studies.  The Japanese government provides standardized tests to measure spoken and written comprehension of Japanese for second language learners; the most prominent is the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), which features five levels of exams.  The JLPT is offered twice a year.

Good luck!

Written by Suzannah Young

September 27, 2017

Interview with Polish & English Singer Katy Carr

Even though you only lived in Poland for the first few years of your life, this experience has obviously had a great impact on you. Do you think of yourself as Polish?

🙂 I am very proud to have Polish blood and so pleased that my Polish heritage has become a huge inspiration for my music and creativity. Poland and Polish people worldwide are my inspiration and I never want to be separated from them for such a long period ever again. I loved writing my albums Paszport and Polonia and I look forward to more Polish inspired musical projects.



In what ways, do you think this dual identity has enriched you? Are there any disadvantages?

🙂 I love being British and Polish and I see only happiness from being enriched by two nations. I have two sets of heritage to draw upon for my musical creativity and this only adds not only to the richness of my own life experience but also to my audiences. Sharing the wealth of knowledge and the friendship between Great Britain and Poland is my huge passion. I look forward to meeting many more people through my music in the forthcoming years.


You sing in both languages, but do you use Polish in your everyday life? Is it difficult to maintain it?

🙂 I love speaking in the Polish language. It is a beautiful yet very difficult language to master with 7 cases and many declensions. I still have a lot to learn! I speak to the Polish Veterans of WWII and the Siberian Survivors in Polish but also to the younger Polish generations who have either just arrived in the UK or who are making their lives here. I am fascinated by how strong and resilient the Polish community is and this only adds to my fascination and love of the Polish language and her history.
Listen to my song Wojtek for the two languages in harmony together 🙂 Official music video for Wojtek (the Soldier Bear) by Katy Carr – YouTube


Where did the idea of singing in Polish come from? Does it help you reconnect with your heritage?
🙂 I started my rediscovery of Poland through writing a song called Kommander’s Car about the infamous escape of Kazik Piechowski, Polish boy scout from Auschwitz on June 20th 1942. When I wrote my song, I was desperate to make links with my Polish heritage but it was very difficult to make a connection. It is only through my music that I came to gain access to the Polish People and Poland that I know today. I owe everything to my music and songs that helped me carve a route to discover and share the rich and diverse history of Poland which is a wonderful and glorious nation.
Listen to Kommander’s Car: 
20th June 1942 – 20th June 2017 marks Kazik’s 75th Anniversary of his escape.


You tour both in the UK and in Poland. Do you notice a difference between the audiences? Do you have a preference? 😉
🙂 I love performing to all audiences worldwide. Recently I have visited the countries that gave refuge to the exiled Polish community after WWII. Poland was the only Allied nation to fall behind the Iron Curtain. Poles in these circumstances were not given access to Poland and were known as ‘Aliens’ – exempt from ever entering Poland again – mainly because Poland had been given over to Totalitarian Communist Rule after the Yalta Conference meeting of Hitler, Stalin and Churchill in February 1945- known as the Western Betrayal of Poland. The outcomes of the conference were kept secret but it meant many hundreds of thousands of Allied Polish military troops were left without homes after WWII. I named my recent album after the brave people of Polonia – the Latin name for Poland and dedicated it to friendship between Polish pianist and composer (later President of Poland 1919) Ignacy Paderewski and Sir Edward Elgar – the English composer who wrote a Symphonic Prelude called ‘Polonia’ dedicated to raising money for the Poles who were without a country in 1915. (Poland was erased off the map of Europe between 1795 and 1918).


We are very impressed with your knowledge of Polish history! Would you say that being away from your country of origin has actually made you more patriotic and interested in the nation’s past?
🙂 History does matter as learning about it can hopefully help future generations learn from the mistakes of the past. Unfortunately history does repeat itself and we as human beings on this little water planet continue to engage in wars and gross cruelty and suffering today which in my opinion is completely unacceptable especially during the 21st Century, which is supposed to be the age of Light. I weep at the idea that children and families are starving from hunger everyday or who are enslaved in cruelty across the planet. I would say that learning about Poland’s past has encouraged me to make connections with other communities and nations to help people worldwide raise their confidence and realise their dreams. My dream is to make people happy through my music and I hope I continue to do so for many years to come.
Interviewed by Alicja Zajdel & Bristol Language School


September 20, 2017

Easy Ways to Improve Your Reading Skills in a Foreign Language

Reading is a key skill to develop when you are learning a new language.  Reading in another language makes us comfortable with the words and grammar used in that language.  Seeing words written down helps us remember them.  You can improve your reading and understanding skills – and your writing and speaking skills if you emulate what you read – by reading regularly in your new language.  There are also ways to make your reading more effective.  We will explore a few of these in this blog post.

Quality or Quantity?

If you read for pleasure and you read often, this is known as ‘extensive reading’. You read a lot and want to enjoy the story.  Usually people read for pleasure in their mother tongue, and this reading is radically different from the reading exercises found in foreign language textbooks.  In a textbook, you read short texts, often extracts from a longer text, and you study them in depth to try and understand every word.  This is ‘intensive reading’.  Both extensive and intensive reading are useful and help you address different areas of language learning.  But reading newspapers, novels, magazine articles, recipes – anything you can get your hands on – helps you familiarise yourself with the natural way of writing in that language and will improve your fluency in the language.  This is different from what you get in a textbook.

Don’t panic!

In our mother tongue, we use “micro-skills” to help us read, such as skim reading to get the gist of a passage, scanning through a long document to find specific information, reading quickly if it is for enjoyment or reading every word slowly and carefully when reading an important document.  Studies show that we abandon most of these reading skills we have developed in our mother tongue when reading in a foreign language, and focus on trying to understand every word.  This means that when we come across unknown words, we get frustrated because we don’t understand.

Instead, we should use the same skills we have gained in our first language – and not be afraid of not understanding every word.  There are times when you don’t know a word in a text you are reading in your mother tongue, but you don’t let it spoil your enjoyment of the text as a whole – you just move on.  If it is important to the general understanding of the text, you might look it up, or you might try to work out the meaning from the context.  These same skills can be used when reading in a new language.  The important skill is reading the text as a whole and not stopping to focus on something difficult unless it is absolutely necessary – because you can only get an understanding of text as a whole when you have read the whole thing!  You will also want to read more and learn more if you enjoy reading as an activity – otherwise you won’t want to do it.  Not understanding a word now does not mean you will never understand it, so just accept that you do not know it now and move on.

Working it out

There are ways to work out the meaning of a word you are stuck on, or you can look it up later.  Here are a few different ways of dealing with a word you don’t know:

  • See if the word looks in any way familiar. It may be a cognate with a word in your language and so you can work out the meaning.
  • Read the sentence several times. Using the context of the sentence and the wider context of the story, try to guess the meaning of the word.
  • Make a note of the word and check its meaning later.
  • Sometimes, you might find a verb that you recognise but not know the meaning of the specific conjugation (e.g. hablar, hablarán, hablase in Spanish). If you can still understand the gist of the sentence, it is ok to carry on reading and look the conjugation up later.
  • Sometimes, there will be words that keep coming up. If they are essential to your understanding then it is ok to look them up, but if you do this very frequently it will interrupt the flow of your reading.


 Stick to what you know

If you are learning to read in another language, it can be helpful to read things that you are already familiar with in your own language.  You can read children’s books or novels you have read before and know the story of.  If you are interested in reading news articles, there are some websites that have the same article in several language versions (such as Café Babel) – so you can read your native language version first and then read the same thing in your new language.  This means you can work out things you don’t immediately recognise in the new language because you already know what the article is about.  This will help you develop your understanding and improve your vocabulary.


There are many websites that list newspapers in other languages, specially selected for learners of that language.  You can find these by searching.  You can also find some foreign language newspapers in your local library.  Finding novels and short stories online might be more difficult, but you can borrow these from most libraries or buy them from bookshops or online booksellers.

Happy reading! Bonne lecture! Buona lettura! Veel leesplezier! Qué disfrutéis de la lectura! Miłej lektury! Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gute Lektüre!

Written by Suzannah Young

September 13, 2017

Book review: A Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to Bilingualism by Colin Baker

“Children are born to become bilinguals and multilinguals.” Colin Baker

This is a bible for any parent, teacher or professional dealing with bilingualism. The book is organised in a question-answer style and also contains some recommendations on further reading. There is no straightforward answer to some of the questions posed; however, the author explains his reasoning and carefully provides advice on the unanswerable questions. Personally, I like the fact that the children’s interests are always put first in this book, and this approach to bilingualism is more relaxed, less strict and gives some room for your child’s own language needs. The guide is divided into 7 sections: Family Questions, Language Development Questions, Questions about Problems, Reading and Writing Questions, Education Questions, Concluding Questions and Glossary. I wouldn’t want to provide any answers here, as I think everybody will look into different topics or queries within the book, but below you will find some examples of the most important questions (in my humble opinion!):

What are the advantages of my child becoming bilingual?

What is the ‘one person – one language’ (OPOL) approach? Is it effective?

How important is it that the child’s two languages are practised and supported outside the home?

What are the most important factors in raising a bilingual child?

Will my child become equally fluent in two languages?

What are the disadvantages of my child becoming bilingual?

My child refuses to use one of his/her languages. What should I do?

How should I help my child to read and write in both languages?

Should my child go to a bilingual school?

What should I look out for in choosing a school for my bilingual child?

Is bilingualism a natural right for any individual?

Overall, I highly recommend A Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to Bilingualism by Colin Baker. If you’re a bilingual parent, what books or guides would you recommend? Please share your recommendations in the comments below.

Written by Kinga Macalla